True Horror & Creepy darkweb Stories
Today, we will discuss a few horrific, horror and creepy darkweb stories that have happened on the dark web in the past or it still does happen.
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So, if you are faint hearted or unable to withstand horror stories, I’d recommend you to stop reading right here.
Or else, tune in for some of the most creepy and scariest places on the planet and dark web stories revolving around them.
How to differentiate horror, scary and creepy?
It is semantics meaning different words which has the same base meaning.
There are a few subtle differences which differentiate the 3 words.
Based on that subtlety, we will discuss a few darknet stories which may keep you up for nights going forward.
Here we go.
We See You
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You know that accessing the deep web is basically inviting a lot of malware and spyware to enter your system.
Even with a VPN and top-notch antivirus, people or deep websites from the dark web can still your system without your knowledge.
I visited a weird website with nothing but login options.
I just blindly logged anything works here, you don’t need a username or password.
Once you have logged in, you could see a Hello.txt file create on your desktop.
This next thing that I saw really scared me to death, the text file Hello.txt had only 3 words – ‘We See You’.
When such things happen to you, what would you do?
I would relocate to a remote place with limited or no internet connectivity and live these for the rest of my life.
After I closed the website and deleted the Hell.txt file after every restarts the file would pop up on my screen until I had to reinstall the operating system.
games Sad Satan stories
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A fiction turned into a sliver of reality, Sad Satan is one of the deep web stories related to games.
A typical glitch game which made the system behave erratically after downloading and installing from the dark web, Sad Satan became popular very fast.
Images of demonic children with the relevant eerie music along with two celebrities Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris who are linked to child ab*se and more really did bring out the worst gaming experience nonetheless, people liked it.
The images of kids were actual photos of kids being molested as some sources claimed.
People were confused at the beginning about the existence of this game which was later cleared when a game house released its own version of Sad Satan.
Saved by the bell… err… Slow internet
The more you search for deep web stories, the more shocked and amazed you would be!
There are many sites which will redirect you to weird places.
A similar site had a link that was anchored as “For journalist and people new to deep web”.
Just out of curiosity, we click this link to see what it is all about.
The new web page started to load and the image of an old Asian man with blood on his chin was still loading and I closed the tab since it was making me sick to see the rest of the image.
We still keep wondering what the rest of the image is, it may be a severed head or body in a bad state.
Nonetheless, these images will disturb you psychologically.
I really should thank the slow internet since I stopped it before I could see the entire image.
People Die red rooms
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An addictive website as per the subscriber reviews shows that people are interested to watch others die.
The last dying moments of a person being recorded is only being a host on this site.
Anything else will be strictly removed.
You can post links to these websites of last moments of a person and they will host it for you.
Out of many deep web horror stories, I found this to have had quite an effect mentally speaking.
With more than 15000 subscribers, this site accepts any link redirecting to videos or images of people dying.
Seriously, why do so many want to see people dying?
I don’t understand the logic behind this and it certainly is a mystery to me. And off course scary and weird deep web stories for me. Is it not for you?
Some of these videos show the execution of a person by beheading or hanging or forms of the death sentence which is quite gruesome to watch.
CreepyPasta Comic
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Have you ever heard of a digital paranormal activity?
Well, out of the many deep web stories, this is something weirder or creepy than normal ones.
A Korean comic which starts like a normal scary story tends to get creepy the more you read it.
Whoever wrote this comic and designed the website has coded paranormal activity into it.
As you move through the pages, a ghost takes control of your mouse.
To be honest, none of the darknet stories sounds weirder than this.
A digitally created entity which takes control of your mouse sounds ridiculous but it does happen.
Reading a comic leading to a ghost controlling your mouse initially, who knows what else it starts to control over time, please be away from this site if you don’t wish to experience a digital ghost.
Final Thoughts
Deep web stories are always shocking and can have a different impact on different people.
You need to understand the fact everything is not real, some of the stories are fake.
If you really want to read more, there are lots of websites which talk about it non-stop with live forums, you could voice out your opinions or share something that you may have experienced.
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