Almost a month after user data of Domino's India was leaked on dark web, data related to 18 crore orders of the pizza chain has allegedly become public on dark web again.
The worst part of this alleged breach is that people are using this data to spy on people. Anybody can easily search any mobile number and can check a person's past locations with date and time. This seems like a real threat to our privacy.
The hackers claim to have got access to all customer details and 18
crore order details which comprise customer's names, email IDs, phone
numbers, delivery address, and payment details comprising over 10 lakh
credit card details used to buy on Domino's India app
Domino's India is said to have fallen victim to a major data leak wherein the credit card details of around 10 lakh of its customers and employees have been leaked on the Dark Web.
Customer information comprising names, phone numbers, and payment information, including credit cards, have allegedly been compromised.
Among all the leaked data, contact numbers are public now, along with e-mail id and location history. Other details like payment details and employee files will be public soon as the search engine on Dark Web reads
According to Alon Gal, CTO of security firm Hudson Rock, a threat actor has claimed to have hacked Domino's India's database worth 13TB (terabytes) on the Dark Web, which includes details of more than 250 of the pizza chain's
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